Wednesday, March 6, 2013

background- everyone starts somewhere

So I have never actually blogged before.  I have read plenty of them- mostly about fellow bikini competitors and their struggles and inspirations and all that they have gone through.  I have decided that I will start this just for me as a way to see where I've started and how far i've come since then.

So for background, I am a student at the University of Montana.  I am currently a super senior- I hopefully with my fingers crossed will graduate the end of this fall with a bachelor's degree in Biology. I have no idea what really got me to even want to get a degree in Biology, to be perfectly honest.  It's probably because my husband really wanted me to do medical school- which I have no inclination to do.  I think at the time when I had started back in school I was half thinking of doing Physician assistant school - but I don't even know what to think about that anymore either.  I've had a hard time really deciding what I want to do.  I've worked as a Certified nurse aide for ten years now- and I am just beginning to wonder if working in healthcare is really for me.  I have debated on going on to get my master's degree in Nutrition- which sounds so much more appealing to me now, but I guess it will all come down to what I can get into once I am done with my Biology degree.

I come from a small town in Plentywood Montana.  Yeah- its in the middle of nowhere it being almost Canada and North Dakota at the same time.  I grew up with 2 sisters.  When I was in high school- I never liked living there, in fact I hated it.  I was so glad to be able to go to college and that I was able to be free of my parents who liked to keep my sisters and I pretty sheltered.  This did not work to my advantage when I first started school. I went a little bit overboard, with the drinking and partying and of course my grades had started to drop.  I ended up with basically straight C's and a W my first year of school.  Anyways, along with the drinking and partying comes the weight gain.  I have always been on the small side- weighing only 110 pounds in high school and being only 5'5".  When I hit 125 pounds I started to get sad and I wanted to figure out a way to start to get into shape.  At this same point in time, however, my mother decided that since I did so bad in school my first year, she was no longer going to help me pay for it.  She was no longer going to take out loans for me to go.  So, I decided to join the army as a way to hit 2 birds with one stone.  What was I thinking?

Anyways long story short my so called plan did not work out the way I had wanted it to.  I ended up fracturing my pelvis not only once, but twice while I was there- and my weight was always so up and down too.  the army has horrible nutrition strategies:  carbs on top of carbs on top of carbs.  All the bigger guys there would lose weight, and all the smaller people (like me) generally would gain weight.  The reason why I had fractured my pelvis was because I had relatively little muscle mass and I had gone from doing absolutely nothing as far as physical activity goes to carrying around a very heavy rucksack and an M16 I had no interest in even shooting.  Anyways, 9 months later I was back home in Missoula, wondering what's next and looking for a job and planning on going back to school.

I didn't start working out until a little over a year ago when my husband had left for Iraq.  I really liked the idea of working out and eating healthy, but I didn't really realize how much work it actually is!
Eating macaroni and cheese and pizza almost everyday really won't get you fit.  I found out the hard way that both diet and exercise go hand and hand.  I wouldn't get the results that I had wanted unless I did both.  I decided to try my hand at doing bikini competitions as a motivator to help me to get into shape.  This was the start of the new me, and everyone has to start somewhere.

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